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===== D-Cube =====
The Communications Program for The IBM Personal Computer
=== User's Guide by Dorn W. Stickle===
=== My Fare Share ===
Copyright (c) 1985 Dorn W. Stickle
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Contents ===
To Users of D-Cube version 1.00 1
Summary of Commands 3
Making Working Copies of D-Cube 6
Starting D-Cube 7
=== Printing, Screen, and Speaker ===
Clear Screen: Alt-W 9
Echo: Alt-E 9
Printscreen: Shift-PrtSc 9
Screen Colors (Foreground/Background) 32
Silent Mode Toggle (On/Off) Alt-S 10
Simultaneous Printout Ctrl-PrtSc 14
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
Capture Mode Alt-C 17
Receiving a File (PgDn) Alt-R 11
Transmitting a File (PgUp) Alt-T 13
Xmodem Transmitting and Receiving 15
A Note on Communications Terminology 17
The Pacing Tranmit Option 14
=== More File Commands ===
Deleting a File: Alt-Y 18
Disk Directory Alt-I 18
File Specification Conventions 20
The Logged Drive/Sub-Directory Alt-G 19
Viewing a File: Alt-V 19
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 i
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Contents ===
=== Dialing ===
Auto-dialing without Dialing Directory Alt-N 20
Dialing Directory Alt-D 21
Adding to the Directory `A' 23
Name 21
Phone Number 21
Baud 21
Parity "P" 22
Data Bits "D" 22
Stop Bits "S" 22
File Transfer Protocol "F" 22
Logging Calls "L" 22
Echo to Screen (Half/Full Duplex) "E" 22
Stripping and Converting Characters "S" 22
Pacing Instructions "P" 23
System Sign On 23a
Auto-dialing `D' 24
Changing Dialing Entries `C' 24
Deleting Dialing Entries `K' 24
Manual Dialing: `M' 25
Displaying System Sign Ons `S' 23a
Prefix (Long Distance Numbers) `P' 23a
Hanging Up the Modem Alt-H 30
Redialing: Alt-Q 25
Sorting the Dialing Directory Alt-O 29
Stripping and Converting Characters 25
Sending System Sign Alt-U 23a
Stringing System Phone Numbers `;' 23a
Pacing Instructions 27
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
Communications Parameters Alt-P 28
Program Defaults Alt-F 30
Communications Port Number `1' 31
Number of Stop Bits `2' 30
Number of Data Bits `3' 30
Parity Type `4' 30
Baud Rate `5' 30
Dial Pre-String `6' 31
Dial Post-String `7' 31
Modem Initialization String `8' 31
Speaker-On String `9' 31
Logging File Name `10' 31
Path for Files `11' 31
Speaker-Off String `12' 31
Time Until Re-Dial `13' 32
Forced Carrier `14' 32
Carrier Timeout `15' 32
XON character `16' 32
XOFF character `17' 32
Automatic Logging of Calls `18' 32
Back Ground Color `19' 32
Fore Ground Color `20' 32
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 ii
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Contents ===
=== Input Strings ===
The Function Key Directory Alt-K 34
Using the Function Key Assignments 35
=== Miscellaneous Features and Commands ===
Elapsed Time Alt-Z 37
Exit Alt-X 37
Identification of Program Alt-B 37
Jump to DOS Alt-J 37
Logging of Calls Alt-L 37
Sending a Break Signal Ctrl-End 38
Command Summary Home key 39
Toggle Commands 39
Technical Program Support 39
=== More Applications and Advanced Features ===
Communications Errors: <<>> and <<OVERFLOW>> 40
=== D-Cube File Information ===
Programming Information 41
Copying D-Cube 41
=== Appendix ===
Appendix A A brief Explanation of Communications
Parameters 44
Appendix B: The XMODEM Protocol 45
Appendix C: Features Written but not yet included 46
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 iv
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== To Users of D-Cube version 1.00 ===
This brief summary is to acquaint you features in D-Cube
version 1.0. Each of these features is described in detail in
the documentation.
1. D-Cube is supplied in compiled Turbo Pascal. To run D-Cube
... from the DOS Prompt just type in D-Cube.
Example : A>D-Cube or C>D-Cube
2. You have the ability to log your calls to disk for future
reference and as a way of showing the IRS how much you use
your computer, modem, and phone line for communications
use. You are also able to manually log a phone call in
the file either with or without the modem (Alt-L) for the
same purpose.
3. Three Transmit options are provided for transmitting:
X for checksum (normal PC-DOS/MS-DOS) Xmodem transmissions
C for CRC Xmodem transmissions
A for ASCII file transmissions
More have been written, but due to the size restrictions
of Turbo Pascal (and DOS) they have not been included in
this release of D-Cube. They will be released, but then
D-Cube will be much larger, and will utilize Overlay files
in order to be able to accomodate all of the Transfer
Protocols and other features that are going to be added.
4. The Dialing Directory (Alt-D) will support up to 999
dialing entry capacity. Optional parameters allow
selective character stripping and/or converting and for
storing pacing instructions for each entry, as well as the
default File Transfer Protocol and as to whether or not to
Automagically Log the call to disk.
5. You are able to dial a number from the Dialing Directory
without going to the dialing directory (Alt-N) and
inputing a number that corresponds with a dialing
directory entry.
6. You are able to Dial a phone number that is not in the
Dialing Directory (Alt-M) using D-Cube and a modem.
7. You are able to make the modem hang-up.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 1
8. There are forty possible permanent input strings (Alt-K)
for MACRO key definitions with a maximum length of 80
characters including any comments. These permanent
strings are stored to be input with the Function keys (F1
- F10) in combination with the Alt,Shift, and Ctrl keys.
9. There is a routine for interactively specifying and
changing all program defaults while the program is running
10. You have the ability to View a file (Alt-V).
11. You have the ability to change your default Drive or Sub-
Directory and the program will remember where all of the
needed files for Dialing, Logging, Function Keys and
Defaults are. You can see the Directory listing of any
Drive or Sub-Directory (Alt-M, Alt-I).
12. There is the ability to set the Fore ground and Back
ground colors for the most pleasing display (Alt-F).
13. If you are using a Color Graphics adapter and Monitor and
you call a bulletin board that puts out the proper
sequences of commands then you will also see the color
14. You can turn off the annoying noises that some of the
bulletin boards send out as well as turning off your modem
speaker when dialing or re-dialing a number (Alt-S).
15. Interactively change your communications parameters and
even run at 450 baud for those boards that do not have
1200 and above, and support 450 baud (Alt-P).
16. Capture what is in the communications buffer to a disk
file for later reviewing (Alt-C).
I hope that you find D-Cube to be useful, and user friendly. I am
open to any suggestions that you might have, as well as the very
remote possibility of any bugs you might encounter.
(Ever see a program that was Bug Free? I haven't!)
- Dorn W. Stickle....
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 2
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Summary of Commands ===
Home Displays an on-screen summary of these commands.
PgDn Receive a file using ASCII, Xmodem or Xmodem CRC
PgUp Transmit a file ASCII, Xmodem or Xmodem CRC
--- Alt Commands ---
Alt commands are invoked by holding the Alt key
and then pressing the letter or number associated
with the command that you want to invoke.
Alt-B Displays the version and Program Identification
for D-Cube as well as the mailing address for any
and all Suggestions, Comments, Bug Reports, or
Questions about the program and updates.
Alt-C Captures the communications buffer to a memory
buffer and can be saved to Disk.
Alt-D Calls up the Dialing Directory. Permits storing
parameters for 999 phone numbers and auto-dialing.
Alt-E When activated, Echoes keyboard input to the
BLANK OR DOUBLE. Really toggles Half and Full
Duplex mode.
Alt-F Permits temporary or permanent changes to the
program defaults.
Alt-G Allows changing of either the Drive or the Sub-
Alt-H Hang-Up the Modem. Switch #1 (Hayes and
compatibles) must be in the Up position.
Alt-I Display the directory of either a specified or
default Drive\Sub-Directory.
Alt-K Calls up the Function Key Directory. Permits
specifying up to 40 Function key combinations to
input permanent i.d. #s and logon sequences.
Maximum string length including comments is 80
Alt-L Manual toggle of Logging calls to Disk.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 3
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Summary of Commands ===
--- Alt Commands ---
Alt-N Dial a number from the Dialing Directory without
displaying the Dialing Directory.
Alt-O Sort Dialing Directory phone numbers into
Ascending either by Name or Phone Number.
Alt-P Permits changing the communications Parameters.
Alt-Q Redials the last number dialed.
Alt-R Starts/stops routines to Receive input from the
communications port to files on disk.
Alt-S Toggles Silent Mode to either turn on or off
noise coming from the called Host system.
Alt-T Starts/stops routines to Transmit files from disk
through the communications port.
Alt-U Sends the signon string that you have specified in
the dialing directory.
Alt-V Starts/stops routine to View a file which has
been saved to disk.
Alt-W Clears the Screen. (Wipes the screen clean).
Alt-X Exits the program and returns to DOS.
Alt-Y Permits deleting a file from disk.
Alt-Z Displays the elapsed time for the current call.
--- Ctrl Commands ---
Ctrl commands are invoked by holding the Ctrl key
and then pressing the letter or numberassociated
with the command that you want to invoke.
Ctrl-PrtSc When activated, simultaneously prints all screen
output to the printer. (Toggle)
Ctrl-End Sends a 'Break' signal to the remote computer.
Shift-PrtSc Prints current screen contents at any time.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 4
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
File Specification Commands:
? or * - Is accepted for Disk Directory (Alt-I).
<Enter> - When given as response to file specification,
cancels Transmit, Receive, View, and Delete
=x,a,c - When added to the end of a Transmit or Receive
file specification, over-rides the default file
transmission as setup in the Dialing Directory or
Program Default of X-Modem.
Dialing and Function Key Routines (Alt-D,Alt-K) String
Specification Commands:
} - Signifies a carriage return as part of the
' - Signifies a comment.
BackSpace Delete character to the left of the cursor.
Del Delete character under the cursor.
End Move the cursor to the end of the field.
Ctrl-End Erase from the current cursor position to the end
of the field.
Home Move the cursor to the start of the field.
Ins Toggle between insert and overwrite mode. Cursor
becomes fat when in insert mode.
Left Arrow Move the cursor to the left one position.
Right Arrow Move the cursor to the right one position.
Return Finished with the current definition. If nothing
has been entered the program will give that field
the default for that field, except for the Name
and Phone Number fields which will retain their
previous strings.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 5
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Making Working Copies of D-Cube ===
Before you use your D-Cube program disk, you should make a
working copy of the program. Follow these steps carefully:
1. Place your own copy of PC-DOS (versions 2.00, 2.10, 3.00,
or 3.10) in drive A and press the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys
simultaneously. Enter the date and time, when required.
You should see the DOS A> prompt.
2. Place a blank disk (or one that can be REFORMATTED) in
drive `B'
3. Type 'FORMAT B:/S' <Enter>. This will format the disk in
drive `B' with the DOS system and command files.
4. Now remove the DOS disk from drive A and insert the D-Cube
program disk in drive `A'.
5. Type 'COPY *.* B:' <Enter>. This will copy all the files
from the program disk onto the disk in drive `B'.
6. Remove the program disk from drive A and store it in a
safe place. Take the disk from drive `B' and label it "D-
Cube" Use this as your working program disk.
7. Before you start using the program, please make sure that
you have printed and read the D-Cube User's Guide.
-- Place your working copy of the D-Cube disk in drive A.
Now type 'PRINTDOC' <Enter> and follow the screen prompts.
This will print the file D-Cube.DOC.
8. You are now ready to run D-Cube. Place the working program
disk marked D-Cube in drive `A' and proceed with the
following instructions, "Starting D-Cube".
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 6
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Starting D-Cube ===
First make sure that PC-DOS is loaded so that you see the A> prompt.
Then be sure that your modem is turned on and hooked up to your
computer, then place the disk marked "D-Cube" in drive `A'. Then...
type in "D-Cube" and press the return key.
When you see the prompt "D-Cube Version ??" then D-Cube is in
-- If you have a direct connection modem:
You can proceed to send the appropriate modem commands
directly from the keyboard. (Making use of auto-dialing
features is described in the documentation under "The
Dialing Directory.")
-- If you have an acoustic modem:
Dial the phone number you wish, place the telephone
receiver in the modem cradle, and switch to 'Data'. Once
you have made a connection, you can proceed with keyboard
At this point, your PC has been set up as a "dumb" terminal, connected
with the remote computer. You can send information to the remote
computer by typing on the keyboard, and see information sent by the
remote computer displayed on your screen.
the program into Echo mode (Half Duplex).
D-Cube is capable of doing many "smart" things too, such as receiving
and sending disk files, dialing phone calls, and storing commands for
future use. All the program features are described in the
documentation, which is contained in a file on the program disk called
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 7
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Starting D-Cube ===
This will save you from having unanswered questions and greatly
increase your enjoyment of the program. Should you have any questions
that you are unable to resolve by using the manual and you are a
registered user then you may call me at 512-255-9126.
To print the documentation, follow these instructions:
Place your working copy of the D-Cube disk in drive `A'.
*** Now type 'PRINTDOC' <Enter> and follow the screen prompts.
This will print the file D-Cube.DOC. Please take some time to read
through the documentation before trying to use the program.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 8
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Printing, Screen, and Speaker ===
Clearscreen: Alt-W
Pressing Alt-W will clear the screen at any time. This
command does not send any character or signal to the remote
Echo: Alt-E
With some systems, the remote computer will send back to your
screen the characters you type at the keyboard. This is known
as "full duplex" communications. In other cases, the remote
computer will not send back the characters you type ("half
duplex"). You can adjust for either of these situations with
the Echo option, which is toggled on and off by pressing Alt-
If you can't see your own keyboard input on the screen once
communications are in progress, turn on the Echo option (Alt-
E). This might make your modem commands appear as double
characters, but should produce proper screen output during
If your regular communications input appears as double
characters, disable the Echo function by pressing Alt-E.
Printscreen: Shift-PrtSc
At any time during program operation, hitting the Shift key in
combination with the PrtSc key will print the contents of the
screen to the printer. (This is the regular DOS function).
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 9
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Printing, Screen, and Speaker ===
Simultaneous Printout: Ctrl-PrtSc (or Ctrl-PgUp)
You can also produce simultaneous printout while
communications are in progress by pressing Ctrl-PrtSc a
message will indicate "Print On" and all subsequent
information displayed on the screen will be sent to the
printer as well.
You can disable the Printout function by hitting Ctrl-PrtSc
again. A message "PRINTOUT OFF" will be displayed and the
Printout function will be toggled off. The Printout function
can be turned on and off without disturbing communications.
**Applications Notes:
Running the Printout option may slow communications because
many printers cannot keep pace with the communications rate.
If you are communicating at 1200 baud (described below under
"Commu- nications Parameters") you should not try to
run simultaneous printout, as you will likely overflow the
communications buffer. If this happens, the program will
attempt to recover by turning off the Printout function.
Silent Mode: Alt-S
Silent mode is toggled between off and on by pressing the Alt Key
and gently striking the `S' key. This feature is for those persons
that do not wish to hear the beeps, grunts, and groans that this
program makes as well as those sent out by many of the Host systems
that they may communicate with.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 10
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
Receiving a File: Alt-R (or PgDn)
The file receiving routine permits you to save information you
receive from a remote computer on your own disk files. It
operates manually and requires no special protocol.
To start the Receiving routine, press Alt-R. The program will
ask for a filename under which to receive the file. You may
also specify the Drive and/or the Sub-Directory that you want
this file to go into. You may over-ride the default file
transfer method (that is the protocol that you picked when you
added the number to the dialing directory) by typing in =?
directly after the file name. The ? will be replaced by the
protocol that you want to use rather then the default protocol
(A = ASCII, X = X-Modem, C = X-Modem CRC). If you did a
manual dial from the dialing directory, then the program
defaults to X-Modem file transfer protocol.
If you should be using the ASCII file transfer then D-Cube
automagically sends the Carriage Return after you specify the
file name and D-Cube has everything ready to receive the file .
The ASCII receive routine is different in D-Cube then it was
in PC-Talk in that it will not allow you to input anything
from the keyboard when receiving. If you are wanting to save
prompts or listings of downloadable file then I recommend that
you use the Capture feature that is descriped later in this
Once the Receiving routine is in operation, you will see a
window in the top middle of the screen indicating the type if
file transfer protocol that you are using as well as the name
of the file being received, the number of blocks received, the
number of errors (if you are using Xmodem or Xmodem CRC) and
the time it has taken so far to receive the file. From that
point on, all information passing through the communications
port, whether it is being typed from your keyboard or coming
from the remote computer, will be saved to the specified disk
To guard against accidentally erasing existing files, if a
filename is specified that already exists on the disk, you
will be prompted as to whether or not you want to overwrite
the file or input a new name. By responding `Y' to this
prompt, D-Cube will erase the original file and write over the
top of it with the new file that you are receiving. If you
respond `N' to the question, then you will be able to input a
new file name at which time the program will again check to
see if that file exists.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 11
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
To terminate receipt of the file, just press any key. You
will then be prompted as to whether you want to continue or
not. If you elect to not continue the file transfer then the
program will close the file and you will have that much of the
file that you have already received. If you respond `Y' to
the prompt then the program will pick up where it left off and
you will not loose any of the file (see except note below).
If you are using either X-Modem or X-Modem CRC transfer
protocol then the Host computer will tell your computer when
the transfer is complete and the computer will automagically
end the receiving session and close the file for you.
* EXCEPTION NOTE: You can be assured of not loosing any data by using
either X-Modem or X-Modem CRC. If you are using ASCII file
tranmissions, then the sending Host computer must support to
the XON and XOFF protocol otherwise the Host computer may
continue sending and overrun the communications buffer while
the machine is waiting for you to respond as to whether or not
you want to continue.
**Applications and Advanced Features:
Certain remote computer systems may send unwanted characters
to your computer. If you have need to strip or convert certain
characters as they are being received, you can specify those
characters with the Strip option described below. This would
only be necessary if NOT using the X-Modem or X-Modem CRC file
transfer protocol.
D-Cube is capable of receiving files using the XMODEM -
X-Modem CRC, or plain ASCII files. It is recommended that you
use the X-Modem or X-Modem CRC for as much file transfer as
you possibly can as it is an error-checking protocol. The use
of this protocol is described separately below.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 12
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
Transmitting a File: Alt-T (or PgUp)
Just as you can receive information and store it on disk files,
you can transmit information from your disk files to the remote
The regular file transmitting routine is X-Modem or X-Modem
CRC -- and requires that the receiving Host system support one
of the two protocols. You of course, can also transmit files
using the ASCII which requires no special protocol from the
remote computer. It can therefore be used to send your disk
files to virtually any other personal computer, to network
bulletin boards, and to many large computer systems. Most
bulletin boards do support the X-Modem Protocol and several
support the X-Modem CRC protocol.
To start the Transmit routine, press Alt-T. The program will
ask for the name of the file to transmit. You may also specify
the Drive and/or the Sub-Directory that you want this file to
come from. You may over-ride the default file transfer method
(that is the protocol that you picked when you added the
number to the dialing directory) by typing in =? directly
after the file name. The ? will be replaced by the protocol
that you want to use rather then the default protocol (A =
ASCII, X = X-Modem, C = X-Modem CRC). If you did a manual
dial from the dialing directory, then the program defaults to
X-Modem file transfer protocol.
The program will come up with a window in the top center of
the screen display the file transfer protocol that you are
using as well as the name of the file. If you are using
X-Modem or X-Modem CRC you will also see the numbeer of blocks
in the file that will be transmitted and it will tell you that
it is waiting to start the transmission. Once the file
transmission has started then you will see the number of
blocks transmitted the number of errors and the time it has
taken so far to transmit the file. You can terminate
transmission manually at any time by pressing Alt-T.
If you are using the X-Modem or X-Modem CRC protocol then your
computer will tell the Host computer when the file
transmission is finished and will end the Transmitting session
**Applications and Advanced Features:
The transmitting routine can be used to send files to personal
computers and to network bulletin board services. When you are
ready to send your file, start the Transmit routine (Alt-T),
specify the file to be sent, and press <Enter>. None of the
specification prompts you see on your screen will be sent to
the remote computer -- only the data in your file.
If the remote computer requires a special character to begin
receipt of the file, it should be sent manually via the
keyboard prior to giving the Alt-T command.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 13
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
The Pacing transmit option:
Because of the performance of D-Cube, the Transmit routine may
operate too fast for some remote computers (such as the Source
and many mainframe systems) when using the ASCII file transfer
D-Cube offers a Pacing option to slow down transmission of
files. This feature will send your file to the remote
computer one line at a time, pausing between lines.
If you are using ASCII file transfer then the program will
prompt you as to whether you want to use ONLY the XON/XOFF
type of transmission or if you want to input a pacing
character. You can also specify this at the Dialing Directory
when you make the entry.
-- If you want the line pacing to be governed by a time delay,
enter a number to indicate how many seconds to pause between
transmission of lines of your file.
For example, if you specified if you indicated to the program
that you did not want to use standard XON/XOFF or if you have
pacing set in your dialing entry then you would put the number
of seconds for the program to pause between sending lines of
your file. 2 would equal 2 seconds, 20 would equal 20 seconds
pausing between transmitting lines.
You can enter a fractional number, such as '.5' for a half-
second pause. You should experiment with your remote system
to determine the optimum time delay for pacing.
-- The second line pacing option waits for a prompt from the
remote computer before sending the next line. This is invoked
by specifying the character for the prompt enclose in double
For example, specifying "?" would cause the program to wait
for the receiving computer to send a question mark before the
program continued transmitting the next line. You can specify
a control character as the prompt, for example, " followed by
a control-R followed by another " would cause the program to
wait for an ASCII 19.
You always have the option terminating transmission by hitting
any key and the program will ask you if you want to continue.
You then enter a `Y' or an `N' in either uppercase or lower
You can store pacing instructions as one of the parameters in
the Dialing Directory (described below).
The pacing option is a powerful feature that greatly extends
the versatility of D-Cube in communicating with a variety of
remote computer systems. However, it is not recommended that
you try to use transmit pacing unless you know of a specific
need for it.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 14
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
One common application in which transmit pacing is useful is
transmitting files to the Source using Telenet or Tymnet.
Depending on how heavily the system is being used, you may
find it necessary to pace transmission with a 2- or 3-second
delay between lines to make sure that your file is properly
received by the remote system.
XMODEM and X-Modem CRC Transmitting and Receiving: `x', `c'
When I speak of X-Modem then I am also referring to X-Modem
CRC as they are extremely similar in protocol operation and
exactly the same as far as using them is concerned.
One of the noteworthy features in D-Cube is the inclusion of
the XMODEM protocol originally developed by Ward Christensen.
The purpose of the XMODEM protocol is to guard against
inaccuracies in file transfer caused by bad signals on the
telephone line. It is a "hand-shaking" and error-checking
protocol that ensures accurate transmission and receipt of
data and binary files. The protocol is in wide use today
among a variety of microcomputer systems.
The XMODEM protocol can be used for both transmitting and
receiving files. In each case, you should specify in your
dialing directory for the entries which support X-Modem an `X'
so that the program will default to X-Modem and you will not
need to do any more other then type in the file name and hit
return when the time comes for transmission or reception of
Once you have entered the file spec and pressed <Enter>, you
will see a message indicating that the protocol is in effect
and the notice, " Holding for Start..." The rest of the file
transfer occurs automatically. if you are transmitting a file
then you will also see the number of blocks (of 128 bytes)
there are in the file, which is the number of blocks your
computer will send to the Host computer.
If the computer on the other end wants to use X-Modem and you
are set for X-Modem CRC then D-Cube will automagically change
to X-Modem, by the same token if you are set for X-Modem and
the computer on the other end wants to use X-Modem CRC then
D-Cube will automaticall change to X-Modem CRC. This is an
automagic feature of D-Cube. This automagic switching only
works for file Transmissions, but the X-Modem and X-Modem CRC
work for reception and transmission of files.
Once file transmission has really started (some computer to
computer hand shaking and synchronization must go on before
data is actually transmitted) you will see the number of
blocks transmitted as well as the number of total errors of
the transmission and the time it has taken to transmit the
blocks when the remote computer has successfully received that
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 15
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
The file transfer will proceed, block by block, until the end
of the file is reached. The transfer will then terminate
If you are receiving, you will see the same " Holding for
Start..." . You will then see the same information as you do
for file transmission (blocks received, total errors, time
taken). You will not see any indication of how long the file
is, but the receiving routine will terminate automagically.
When the program incorrect data (a block error of some type)
it will attempt to recover, and post the error count
transmission/receipt is verified, and continue with the
In some cases, the program will not be able to recover, in
other words there will be an excess of errors, particularly if
the line signal is degraded. The program will ask you if you
want to continue the operation or terminate it after haveing
30 repeated errors. You can also terminate manually at any
time by pressing any key and the program will again ask you if
you want to continue.
If the XMODEM transfer does not succeed, please do not assume
that there is something wrong with your computer or with D-
Cube. It is suggested that you hang up, re-establish
communications over a new line, and try again. About 99% of
the time communication problems is due to the data
communication line which you are using to access the other
remote computer.
To operate with the XMODEM protocol, you must be communicating
at 8 data bits, No parity (Communications Parameter options 2,
4, 6, or 8 -- see below). Both computers must have
communications software capable of running the XMODEM protocol.
The XMODEM routine in D-Cube has been throughly tested with
other implementations of the protocol and should give you good
If the other computer is running D-Cube, you can be reasonably
assured of a rapid and accurate file transfer. I personally
have used the X-Modem with the RBBS system and the FIDO system
as well as many other systems, and have used the X-Modem CRC
with the FIDO system so you are assured that both of these are
a standard (if there is such a thing) implementation of these
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 16
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Receiving and Transmitting Files ===
The XMODEM routine operates automagically. For those who are
interested, a brief technical description of how the file
transfer takes place can be found in Appendix B at the end of
this documentation as well as the difference between the
X-Modem and X-Modem CRC protocols.
Before leaving the subject of XMODEM, it is appropriate that
acknowledgment be given to Ward Christensen, who originated
the protocol and who has been a landmark pioneer in computer
A Note on Communications Terminology --
The D-Cube prompts and documentation generally avoid use of the
words `uploading' and `downloading'. A convention in the
mainframe world has been to use `uploading' to refer to
transmitting a file to a remote computer and `downloading' to
refer to receiving a file from a remote computer. In the case of
two microcomputers communicating with each other, the notion of
`up' and `down' seems less appropriate.
For those who feel more comfortable with the mainframe terms,
D-Cube offers the option of using the PgDn key (in addition to
Alt-R) to start and stop Receiving a file and the PgUp key (in
addition to Alt-T) to start and stop Transmitting a file.
This also makes it so that it only takes one finger (for my
friends that do not have the energy to lift two fingers) to
initiate a file transfer.
Capture Mode: Alt-C
You are able to toggle the capture mode by typing in Alt-C. The
program will then capture all of the data that is in the
communications buffer to a storage buffer for later saving to a
disk file. Your limitations for this feature is the amount of
memory that you have. When you either exit the program or toggle
capture mode off by doing another Alt-L then D-Cube will ask you if
you want to save the data to a disk file. If you choose to then
D-Cube will prompt you for the file specification.
**Applications and Advanced Features
This is extremely useful for saving a listing from a bulletin board
that you are unable to download.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 17
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== More File Commands ===
Deleting a File: Alt-Y
You can delete any file from your disk(s) while communications
are in progress. Press Alt-Y and follow the file specification
prompts. Be extremely careful with this command as it will
permanently erase the file. The only way to get a file back
that is erased is to use another utility that I have written
that will assist you in recovering it. Even then it is not a
sure thing that you will be able to recover all or any part of
that file.
Displaying the Disk Directory : Alt-I
By holding the Alt key down and pressing the `I' key you will
be shown your default drive and path and then prompted to
`Input Directory Mask: ' options. You may at this time
specify a drive, a path, a filename or an asterisk followed by
a period an an extension. If you just press the return then
you will be show the directory of your default drive and
directory. Wild card indicators are supported `*', `?'.
Example: Default Drive and Sub-Directory: E:\D-Cube
Input Directory Mask: D-Cube.*
the program will then find all occurances of D-Cube.* in your
current directory. You may specify any valid drive and valid
directory for a directory display.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 18
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== More File Commands ===
The Logged Drive/Sub-Directory: Alt-G
For the Transmit, Receive, View, and Delete routines, the
program assumes a default "Logged" drive if no drive is given
as part of the file specification prompts. Initially, this is
drive your default drive and directory.
For example, if drive `C' is the Logged drive and you respond
to a file specification prompt with just 'MYFILE', the program
will automatically look for a file `C:MYFILE'. If you want to
transmit, receive, or view a file on drive A, you should
respond to the file specification prompt with `A:MYFILE'.
Here again, all normal DOS path commands are accepted.
To change the Logged drive during program operation, press
Alt-L and follow the instructions. The Logged drive can also
be changed as part of the Default modification routine
(described below). You may also change just your directory by
typing in a new sub-directory name. Or change to a new drive
and sub-directory by tyeping in the drive and sub-directory.
You must use standard DOS conventions in changing to a new
drive or sub-directory. This works exactly like `CD' with the
exception that I also allow you to change the drive at the
same time.
Viewing a File: Alt-V
D-Cube permits you to view any file which is on your disk
drives while the program is running. This feature makes it
possible for you to refer to files on disk while
communications are in progress.
To View a file, press Alt-V. The program will ask for file
specifications in the same manner as the procedures for
transmitting and receiving files.
Once Viewing is in progress, sixteen lines of the file will be
displayed on the screen at a time. To see more of the file,
press any key To cancel the Viewing routine, press Alt-V
again. The text of the file you see displayed on your screen
will not be sent to the remote computer.
**Applications and Advanced Features:
If the remote computer sends you information while you are
viewing a file, that information will be stored in the
communications buffer. A continuous stream of information
from the remote computer could overflow the buffer. You
should therefore view a file only during a pause in
If you want to read an earlier part of a file that you are
receiving, you can terminate receipt of the file with Alt-R
and then immediately view it by pressing Alt-V and specifying
the file you just received.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 19
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== More File Commands ===
File Specification Conventions --
D-Cube uses a standard set of commands for responding to file
specification prompts in the Receive, Transmit, View, and
Delete routines.
If you do not include a drive indicator as part of the
specification (e.g., 'MYFILE.123'), the program will assume
that the file is to be located on the Logged drive (see above).
You can also use the 'wild card' characters '*' and '?' as
part of the file listing requests.
For example, if you respond to the file spec prompt with
`a:*.bas', you will be shown a list of all the files on drive
A with the extension `.bas'.
Auto Dialing without Displaying the Dialing Directory: Alt-N
You may dial any number that is in the Dialing Directory by
pressing the Alt key and then pressing the `N' key. D-Cube will
ask you what Dialing Directory number you want to dial. If you
input a valid Dialing Directory number then D-Cube will dial that
number. if you input an invalid entry then you will be notified
that that entry has not been entered.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 20
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
The Dialing Directory: Alt-D
This is one of D-Cube's most useful features in that you can
set up a complete communications session with the Dialing
directory in conjunction with the Macro Key assignments and
only have to input the file names for D-Cube to use for
uploading or downloading. The dialing directory can list up
to 999 names and phone numbers, plus communications
parameters and echo, stripping, pacing, file transfer protocol
and automagic logging of call instructions for each entry.
The following instructions will first show you how to place
names and phone numbers into the Directory and then describe
how to use the Directory as part of your standard
communications routines.
When the Directory is called up for the first time, all
entries will be blank. To add names and phone numbers to the
Directory just press the `a' key if you want to change a
directory entry then you only need to press the `c' key (It
doesn't matter whether you use lower or upper case.) If you
are adding a new entry then D-Cube will know what your last
entry was and will immediately go to that entry if you are
changing an entry the D-Cube will ask you for the number of
the entry that you want to change.
You will then be prompted for the Name of the system. You may
put in up to a maximum of 30 characters for the name.
Phone Number:
You are then asked for the Phone number of the system. Once
again you may put in up to a maximum of 30 characters for the
phone number. This should allow for any MCI, Sprint, and
telephone credit card numbers necessary to dial the phone
number. To indicate that the modem needs to pause during the
dialing of the phone (such as when you dial an MCI number and
have to wait for them to answer and then enter your code and
phone number) just place a comma at the place where the modem
needs to pause.
You will be prompted for the baud rate (speed of
communications) that you want to use when calling this system.
If you just press the return key then the program will default
to 1200 baud. Otherwise you need to type in the baud rate.
The ranges are:
300 - 450 - 1200 - 2400 - 4800 - 9600
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 21
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
You will be asked for the normal parity setting for this
entry. Just pressing the enter key will default to `N' for No
Parity. You may enter the following:
`N' for None (No parity)
`E' for Even
`O' for Odd
most systems support either No parity or Even parity.
Remember in order to be able to use X-Modem or X-Modem CRC you
must use `N' (no parity) as this is the only way that these
protocols can operate.
Data Bits:
You will then be asked for the number of Data Bits to be used
for the session. Only 7 and 8 data bits are supported by this
program. In order for you to be able to use the X-Modem or
X-Modem CRC protocols you must specify 8 data bits. If you
press the return key then the default of 8 data bits will be
Stop Bits:
You will then be asked for the number of stop bits to be used
when calling this system. Only 1 or 2 stop bits are supported
by D-Cube. In order for you to be able to use the X-Modem or
the X-Modem CRC protocols you must specify 1 stop bit. If you
press the return key then the default of 1 stop bit will be
File Transfer Protocol:
You are now asked for the type of file transfer protocol that
you want to normally use when transfering files to and from
the Host system. If you press return at this point then `X'
for X-Modem will be assigned.
You are now asked if you want to Log to disk every time that
you call this number. This is a very useful feature of D-Cube
for showing how much time you use on a system as well as how
many times you call a particular system. This is also useful
for income tax purposes in that it will show how much time you
use your computer - modem - telephone for business (if that is
what you are using it for). It is recommended that you Log
your callse for future information. More about the Logging in
the Logging section of this manual page zz.
You are able to make Echo (Half Duplex) the default for this
entry. This is rarely used, but may be needed with some
The routine will then ask whether you want to strip or convert
characters for that entry. It is recommended that you respond
with 'n' unless you have a special applications need. (See the
explanation of the Stripping option below.)
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 22
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
Finally, the routine will ask whether you want to specify a
Pacing instruction for that entry.
If you want to specify a Pacing instruction, enter a `Y' to
the prompt `Pace:_' and you will be given another set of
instructions in another window to follow for entering the
pacing time or character.
To enter a pacing character you must surround it with double
quotes. (Example: "q" or ":" ). To enter a time delay
period then just enter a number, being sure NOT to place it in
double quotes or the program will be looking for that number
rather then waiting that length of time. All time is
specified and incremented in approximate seconds. (What is
approximate seconds? that is my way of saying that it is not
exactly accurate, but it is close.) If you press return
without entering anything the the program will default to `N'
for no pacing. I recommend that for most applications you
specify an `N' unless you have special need for pacing.
After going through all of this then the name, phone number,
and communications specs will be permanently stored in a
separate file on your program disk named D-Cube.DIR.
Adding to the Directory --
As indicated above, specifying communications parameters,
echo, message, stripping, and pacing can all be considered
advanced features that need not be dealt with the first time
you use the program. The following example lists the commands
for merely adding a name and phone number to the Directory.
1. Press Alt-D. You will see Page 1 of the Directory displayed
and the list of available commands on line 25.
2. Type 'a'. You will see the prompt "Name:_____________".
3. Type the name you want for that entry (maximum 30 characters)
followed by <Enter>.
You will see the prompt "Phone number:".
4. Type the phone number you want for that entry (maximum 30
characters) followed by <Enter>.
5. From here on (assuming that you want to go with the program
defaults) just hit the return key (once again hit it gently!)
and you will be brought back to the commands prompts showing
up on line 25. You will notice that as you enter or allow the
program to enter the values they will be updated in their
proper position on the dialing directory.
6. Repeat the above steps for each name and phone number you want
to add to the Directory.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 23
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
System Sign On:
If you are adding or changing a directory entry then the last
prompt that you will get is System Sign On. You may enter up to
a maximum of 40 characters and spaces in this area. Use a comma
"," to make the program delay before sending then next
character, the program will delay one second for each comma that
is in place. Use the right curly bracket "}" to indicate to the
program to send a carriage return.
Example: Dorn;Stickle}Password},,,,F},,,U;D-Cube.Com;X}
This will send "Dorn;Stickle"
wait for 4 seconds then send "F"
wait for 3 seconds then send "U;D-Cube.Com;X
System Sign On: Alt-U
You send this sign on by pressing the Alt-U keys and the program
will send what ever you have entered as the System Sign On.
The System Sign on will not ordinarily be displayed when in your
dialing directory, all you need to do to display it is to press
the "S" key and the name of the system and the sign on will be
displayed. This is so that no one may see your normal sign on
if they happen to be watching when you go into the dialing
directory. Also I was unable to fit it all on the screen at the
same time.
PreFix: `p'
From the dialing directory you access the long distance service
prefix numbers. This is a file that will hold the needed
prefixes to be able to use Long Distance services such as MCI,
etc. This has a maximum entry length of 35 characters and
spaces. The letter associated with the prefix is what you put
in front of the Dialing Directory number that you want to dial
if you need to use MCI, etc. Suppose that you use the same
dialing directory for both home and office, and the office
requires that you dial a 9 prior to getting an outside line:
Prefix A=9, you want to dial #15 type in A15 and the program
will add the "9," before the number to dial.
Stringing System Numbers: `;'
You are able to dial several system numbers by typing int the
number followed by a `;' (semi-colon) followed by the next number
that you want the system to call. The only limitation is that the
total amount of characters must not exceed 255 characters. When
in this mode you can stop dialing the current number and go on to
the next number by press `R'.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 23a
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
Changing a Directory Entry:
You will go through the same first 5 steps as you do when you
add a dial entry, except that you will first be prompted for
the number of the entry that you want to change. (That's
logical isn't it, otherwise it might change everyone of them.)
Deleting a Dialing Entry:
By selecting `K' you will be allowed to delete a dial entry.
The dialing entry does not have to be displayed. You will be
prompted for the number of the dialing entry that you want to
--- Additional Information about the Dialing Directory:
Although the Directory has a capacity of 999 entries, the
screen will display only eightteen entries at a time. You can
"page" forward or back through the directory by entering 'f'
or 'b'.
You can dial, change, or delete any entry, regardless of
whether it is displayed. You can be on page one of the dialing
directory and add a directory and D-Cube will go to the end of
the dialing directory and add the entry.
Although the Dialing Directory will hold 999 entries, it
builds the dialing directory pages dynamically, which is fancy
words for saying that it does not build any page until needed.
A dialing directory page will not be built until the previous
page is full. This is to conserve disk space until needed.
Auto-dialing --
The Dialing Directory will automatically dial a Directory
entry if your modem supports this function.
By pressing `D' then you will be asked for the number of the
entry that you want to dial. The entry need not be on the
screen. All that is required is that it have been entered or
else you will get a message stating that that entry has not
been entered.
For modem dialing command strings see the program defaults
later in this manual.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 24
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
Manual Dialing: 'm'
You can also use auto-dialing to call phone numbers not stored
in the Dialing Directory. From the main Dialing Directory
prompt, type 'M'. A prompt will then ask for the phone number
to be dialed. Type the phone number and press <Enter>, and the
number will be dialed automatically.
Redialing: Alt-Q
The last phone number you have dialed can be redialed at any
time by pressing Alt-Q, which calls into effect the Redial
This routine will display the name of the system that you are
calling (if you are using the Dialing Directory or blank if
you used Manual dial). It also displays how often in seconds
it will redial the number. The routine displays the time that
it started redialing, the current time, and the time elapsed
since starting the redial session.
When a connection is made, the program will sound an alarm,
and if you have Logging turned on will at that time store the
connect time in the program for later writing to disk. You can
force a quick redial by pressing the `R' key and exit from the
auto-redial routine at any time before a connection is made by
hitting any other key.
You can adapt the Redial routine for longer or shorter delays,
or for other modems with auto-dialing features, from within
the Default routine described below. As well as the length of
time for the modem to wait for a carrier before timing out.
Stripping and Converting Characters --
D-Cube provides for optional selective stripping and/or
converting of characters as they are received during
communications. This is an advanced feature.
The program default is not to strip any characters. When you
call up the Dialing Directory with Alt-D, the "Strip" column
will show "N" for each entry, indicating that no stripping is
to take place.
To specify selective stripping as part of the stored parameter
for a Directory entry, revise the entry and respond with 'y'
to the prompt "Strip:_". You will then be prompted to enter
the "strip/convert string" for that entry. This string should
be structured as described in the following paragraph.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 25
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
Each character to be stripped or converted must be specified
with a three-digit representation of its decimal ASCII code,
or the character it self, followed by a slash (/), followed by
a three-digit representation of the decimal ASCII code or the
character to substitute for that character, followed by
another slash. You may specify up to 3 characters to be
replaced or stripped. In order to strip a character you must
specify "000" as a replacement character or a space (032).
For example, to convert the commonly used end-of-file
character Ctrl-Z (ASCII 26) to a space (ASCII 32), the
strip/convert string would be `026/032' or ` 026/ .
100. If you input the character rather then the three digit
decimal representation of its decimal ASCII code, then it can
only be ONE character. The last replacement does not need to
be followed by a slash, but all others must be followed by a
If you simply want to strip out a character, rather than
convert it, enter three zeros as the second part of the
string: '026/000/'.
If you want to strip or convert more than one character,
continue with more string specifications.
For example, to strip all ASCII 26's and ASCII 127's and
convert each capital A (ASCII 65) to lowercase (ASCII 97), the
strip/convert string would be `026/000/127/000/065/097'. Up
to 3 characters can be specified for stripping/converting in
this manner.
You will have opportunities to correct the newly-specified
string within the change entry routine of the Dialing
Directory. The strip/convert string will be stored in the
Dialing Directory. When you dial a remote computer with the
stripping option in effect, the appropriate characters will be
stripped and/or converted during all incoming communications,
including files that you receive with the Receive routine.
You can not have stripping in effect when you use the XMODEM
or X-Modem CRC error-checking protocol (described above).
**Applications Notes:
Please note that it is not recommended that you strip or
convert characters unless you know of a specific application
or need related to the remote computer you are calling.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 26
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Dialing ===
Pacing Instructions --
As noted above, you can also store a Pacing instruction as
part of each Directory entry. (Pacing is discussed above in
connection with transmitting files.)
If you have stored a Pacing instruction, then pacing will
automatically be turned on if you use ASCII file transfer.
Please note from the above examples that the Pacing
instructions stored in the Directory do not automatically
transmit every file using Pacing -- only those files that you
transmit using the ASCII file transfer.
**Applications and Advanced Features:
Even if you do not have an auto-dialing modem, you can use the
Communications Parameter, Echo, Stripping, and Pacing
specifications to customize the program for different
applications. Store the name in the Directory and a 'dummy'
phone number such as '--' or '<space>'. Store the rest of the
specifications. Then "dial" the entry number. Even though no
phone number will be dialed, the specifications will have been
put into effect.
You should also note that when you place a call through the
Dialing Directory, the Communications Parameters and the Echo,
Stripping, and Pacing specifications will remain in effect,
even after the call is completed. You might want to set up
Directory entry #60 as a 'dummy default' entry to reset
certain specifications. You can also reset the program
parameters and defaults with the Parameter and Default
routines (Alt-P and Alt-F) described below.
**Applications Note: CompuServe and the Source
Note that some of the Source utilities, such as UPI news, may
send an ASCII 26 to mark the ends of articles or messages. If
you receive the files with these ASCII 26 characters, DOS will
not be able to view the rest of the file, even though the
information might still be there.
If you encounter this problem, you may want to specify
stripping of ASCII 26's as part of your Source Dialing
Directory entry, or convert them to carriage returns (ASCII
13) or spaces (ASCII 32). In such cases, your strip/convert
string should be specified as `026/000' (strip) or `026/013'
(convert to carriage return) or `026/032' (convert to space).
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 27
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
Communications Parameters: Alt-P
It is not necessary that you understand communications
protocols to use D-Cube, but you might find it helpful to read
the brief explanation of communications parameters included as
Appendix A at the end of this documentation.
Pressing Alt-P at any time while the program is running will
call up a menu which allows you to set the communications
parameters to one of eight options.
Options 1,3,5,7 are for ASCII and conversational modes of
communications. They will not support any of the error
checking protocols nor will they support the color graphics
and high bit used menus that are used by many of the bulletin
Optons 2,4,6,8 are for general use as they support both ASCII
and X-Modem and X-Modem CRC file transfers as well as the
color graphics used on some bulletin boards. The most common
option is 6 which is 1200 baud with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
and no parity.
For those applications where you need to experiment with your
settings in order to be able to communicate with a special
Host system I also have the `S' option which allows you to set
your own baud, stop, parity and data bits.
To initiate any of these options simply press the key next to
the option that you want to initiate or `X' to exit this
**Applications and Advanced Features:
If either you or the remote computer is receiving
unintelligible information on the screen, you are probably
using different communications parameters. Sometimes you will
be able to change the parameters while communications are in
progress, but it may cause a break in communications,
depending on the system you are calling and the modems in use.
If you are using a Hayes modem then you can put switch #1 in
the down position and this will cause the Data Terminal Ready
line to be active all the time and will assist in keeping from
dropping the communications line. If you switch from 300 baud
to 450 baud then this is mandatory.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 28
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
This is how the keyboard is used when inputing data for the
Dialing Directory:
} - Signifies a carriage return as part of the
BackSpace Delete character to the left of the cursor.
Del Delete character under the cursor.
End Move the cursor to the end of the field.
Ctrl-End Erase from the current cursor position to
the end of the field.
Home Move the cursor to the start of the field.
Ins Toggle between insert and overwrite mode.
Cursor becomes fat when in insert mode.
Left Arrow Move the cursor to the left one position.
Right Arrow Move the cursor to the right one position.
Return Finished with the current definition. If
nothing has been entered the program will
give that field the default for that field,
except for the Name and Phone Number fields
which will retain their previous strings.
Sorting the Dialing Directory Alt-O:
By selecting the Alt-O command you will be prompted as to
whether you want to sort the Dialing Directory in Ascending
order either by Name or Phone Number. If you just press
<Return> then D-Cube defaults to sorting by name. Depending
upon the size of your Dialing Directory this can take a short
period of time or a fairly long one. It takes time to sort
999 dialing directory entries if you have that many, but it
only takes about 10 seconds to sort 18.
D-Cube sorts on the First Name and on the first number if
sorting by Phone Number.
** Applications and Advanced Features:
This is especially useful to see if you have two different
names for the same phone number, or have entered the same name
twice. Once a Dialing Directory gets so big, then it is a
little hard to remember who you have entered in and who you
have not. In future releases of this program you will be able
to print this file out.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 29
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
Hanging Up the Modem: Alt-H
D-Cube will assist you in hanging up your modem, but you must
have your modem so that D-Cube can assist you. If you are
using a Hayes modem then you need to have switch #1 in the up
position in order for the Alt-H command to consistently work.
D-Cube will try 3 times to hang up your modem.
**Applications and Advanced Features:
This is extremely useful for some of the systems that do not
cause their modem to hang up. Also if a Host system has a
problem, then there is the possiblity that the Host system
will not be able to hang his modem up.
Program Defaults: Alt-F
The "defaults" of a program are those values that the program
assumes every time it is started. D-Cube makes a number of
such assumptions, which can be changed at any time while the
program is running by pressing Alt-F.
When you press Alt-F, the screen will clear and you will see a
list of the present program defaults. They are as follows:
COM Port Number ...... Com1: Speaker-Off String ... ATM0}
Number of Stopbits .... 1 Time Until Redial .... 30
Parity Type ........... N Forced Carrier ....... False
Baud Rate ............. 1200 Carrier Timeout ...... 30
Dial Pre-String ....... ATDT XON Char, decimal .... 17
Dial Post-String ...... } Automatic Log ........ True
Modem Init String ..... ATZ S0=0} Back Ground Color .... 0
Speak-On String ....... AT M1} Fore Ground Color .... 15
Log File Name ......... D-Cube.Log
Path for Files ........ (default drive and directory)
We will discuss each of these in more detail with the
exception of Number of Stopbits, Databits, Parity Type, Baud
Rate as these are the four communications parameters described
previously. The permissible baud rates are 75, 110, 150, 300,
600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, and 9600. Parity may be E(ven),
O(dd), S(pace), M(ark), or N(one). Data bits may be 4, 5, 6,
7, or 8. Stop bits may be 1 or 2. I have not implemented all
of the above options because I have not seen a need for all of
them. If you have a special need for one of the above that I
do not have then let me know and I will activate that
particular options for you. The ones that I have activated
Bauds 300 - 450 - 1200 - 2400 - 4800 - 9600
Parity None - Even - Odd
Stop Bits 1 or 2
Data Bits 7 or 8
You may mix and match the above to suit your needs.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 30
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
Note: If you specify 8 data bits, you must specify N parity. Do not
experiment with any of these values unless you have a specific
application. It is usually best if you use the standards that
I have provided with this program.
COM Port Number:
This must be either 1 or 2. the default is Com1:. I am not
currently supporting Com3: or Com4: as they are not supported
by NORMAL DOS calls. In the future it may be necessary for me
to support these two communications ports as I plan on
implementing simultaneous communications sessions through more
then one port at a time.
Dial Pre-String:
This is the command to make your modem dial a number. The
Hayes line of modems use ATDT for tone dialing and ATDP for
pulse dialing.
Dial Post-String:
This is the command or character to make your actually modem
execute the command that has been sent to it. Once again the
Hayes line of modems require that you send a carriage return
at the end of a command before it will actually execute the
command. the `}' indicates a carriage return to D-Cube.
Modem Init String:
This is the string to initialize your modem. With the Hayes
modems ATZ resets the modem and S0=0 keeps it from answering
the phone. The default for this is `ATZ S0=0'.
Speaker-On String and Speaker-Off String:
These are the commands that turn your modem speaker on and
off. I turn the speaker on when dialing a phone number for
the first time. You have the option of having the speaker on
or off for redialing. If you do not want to hear your modem
speaker at all then set both strings to the command to turn
your modem speaker off.
Log File Name:
This is the name that you want to save all the Logging
information in when logging your calls.
Path for files:
This is the Drive and Directory for the following files:
D-Cube.Dir Dialing Directory
D-Cube.Key Macro Key Definition File
D-Cube.Log Logging File
D-Cube will remember where these three files are even though
you may change your directory and or default drive. This is
for reading and writing these files.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 31
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
The only file that must be in the default Drive and Directory
when you bring up D-Cube is D-Cube.Fig, which is the
configuration file. Once D-Cube is up and running it will
also remember where it's configuration file is, so once again
you need not worry about changing default drives and
Time Until Redial:
This is the time, in seconds that D-Cube will wait AFTER the
modem times out before redialing a phone number. By
manipulating this and the `Carrier Timeout' option you can get
the maximum number of retries without missing a Host system
answering the call.
Forced Carrier:
D-Cube needs to know if your modem is showing to the computer
that there is carrier all the time or not. This option is
normally False as most computers and modems support Carrier
Detect. But there are a few that do not. This is what D-Cube
keys on to stop redialing and to start logging the call.
Carrier Timeout:
This is the time in seconds that you want your modem to listen
for a response from a Host system when dialing that Host
system. If you specify this time as to short then the modem
will timeout before a host has a chance to answer the phone
and send out its answering signal. If you set this too long
then it will slow down your redialing time. The default is 30
XON and XOFF characters:
These are the characters that a Host system recognizes and
uses for indicating Transmit on and Transmit off. Most
systems use the standard character #17 and character #19, but
there is a chance that you may tie into a Host that requires
something different and you need to change these. You must
put in the decimal representation of the ASCII character.
Automatic Log:
This feature is over-ridden either by do Alt-L or by what you
have set in your dialing directory for Logging mode. It is
set here for the default for the program to start up with.
Back Ground and Fore Ground Colors:
These are the colors for D-Cube to use to display all
information. You can change these for the most pleasing
effect for your computer.
Please note that ONLY the following defaults can be controlled
independently through program commands.
Number of StopBits Number of DataBits
Baud Parity Logging
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 32
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Parameters and Defaults ===
The values listed in the Default menu represent only the
values the program assumes at startup.
The rest of the defaults must be set from the Default Routine,
but may be changed at anytime during program execution and
will be in effect from the time of change until you change
them again.
To change any of the defaults simply type in the number next
to the default and press return. You will be prompted for the
new value, and if it is reasonable then D-Cube will accept it
and allow you to choose another option to change.
When you have finish changing all the options that you want to
then press return and D-Cube will ask you if you want to make
these options permanent. If you choose not to make these
options permanent then they will become effective immediately,
but will not be in effect the next time you bring up D-Cube.
If you make these options permanent then D-Cube will rewrite
the configuration file with the new parameters.
**Applications and Advanced Features:
The Default routine provides you with a great degree of
control over your use of the program. The program will do
some checking for invalid default values, but you should be
careful when changing the defaults and do so only if you know
of a specific need.
If you run into trouble specifying the defaults, you can exit
to DOS and simply delete the file D-Cube.Fig from your program
disk. D-Cube will create a new default file if it does not
locate the D-Cube.Fig file.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 33
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Input Strings ===
The Function Key Directory: Alt-K
One of D-Cube's other powerful features is the Function Key
Directory, which is called up by pressing Alt-K.
The Function Key Directory permits you to assign permanent
strings of up to 80 characters to the ten Function keys F1
through F10, and to the combinations of Alt-, Shift-, and
Ctrl- F1 through F10. A total of forty keys can thus be
assigned permanent strings, which can be used to input i.d.
numbers, logon sequences, frequently-used phrases and other
text with a single keystroke.
The information in the Function Key Directory is stored in a file
called D-Cube.KEY and is loaded every time D-Cube is run.
When you first bring up the Macro Key Routine you see that the
keys F1 through F10 have no strings assigned to them. To
program a key (or to change a previously programmed key),
press 'c' at the first prompt. You will then be asked to
specify which Function key (1 through 10) you wish to revise.
Type the appropriate number and hit <Enter>. Do not press the
function key, type in the number of the Function Key that you
want to define. (Example defining F-10 type in 10 and press
The cursor will then move to that entry and you may then begin
typing in the definition for that key. Type the desired
characters, followed by <Enter>. The directory will display
the revised input for that key. (If you make an error, press
'r' again and respecify for that key.)
If you want to specify carriage returns as part of the input
string, input a "right curly bracket" -- the shifted key '}'
just to left of the <Enter> key -- at that point in the input
string. If you want the input string to terminate with a
carriage return, enter '}' as the last character of the
For example, if you wanted to assign the your normal logon
sequence to an RBBS system. The string that you want to
assign is:
Dorn <Enter> Stickle <Enter> PassWord<Enter>
you would input the above string into the Macro Key in the
following manner:
This would then send the string to the RBBS system as if you
had typed it in yourself.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 34
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Input Strings ===
The input string may be up to 80 characters in length, only the
leftmost 71 characters will be displayed in the directory.
To indicate a comment at the end of the string us the single
quote mark ( ` ). I use this so that I know which sign on key
goes with which bulletin board that I am calling on, as I do
not keep the same password for each bulletin board that I call
and I get mixed up if I do not have something to remind me.
You can "page" forward or back through the Function Key
Directory by pressing 'f' or 'b' at the initial prompt. This
will permit you to assign or revise strings for the key
combinations Alt-F1 through Alt-F10, Shift-F1 through Shift-
F10, and Ctrl-F1 through Ctrl-F10.
You exit by pressing the `x' key.
Using the Function Key Assignments --
Once any of these forty Function keys or key combinations have
been assigned, hitting that key will send the input string
directly to the communications port (sending carriage returns
in place of '}').
Continuing with the example above, if you pressed F1 during
communications, you would send the following to the remote
You can specify a new string for any of the Function keys at
any time.
The Alt-K command can be used simply to display the Function
Key Directory for reference. You can page through the
Directory as needed to confirm your key assignments. To
continue with communications, press 'x' at the initial prompt
and you will be returned to the regular terminal mode of the
program. You can then proceed by pressing any of the Function
keys to send an assigned string or proceed by typing
information from the keyboard.
When you want to make a copy of D-Cube for others, do not copy
the file D-Cube.KEY, as this file may contain confidential
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 35
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Input Strings ===
**Applications and Advanced Features:
You can also use the Function keys to store filespecs.
Pressing the appropriate key will input the filespec in
response to a Receive or Transmit prompt.
You can include control characters (ASCII 0 through 31) as
part of the input string. The program will display these
characters as their highlighted letter equivalents (e.g., an
ASCII 12 will be displayed as a highlighted letter 'L').
A new user of the program does not need to have the D-Cube.KEY
file on his/her disk. If the program does not locate D-
Cube.KEY on the program disk, it will initialize and create a
new blank Function key file. The same is true for the file
Cube.DIR, which contains the information used by the Dialing
This is how the keys work when either editing or inputing a
string for the Macro Key assignment.
} - Signifies a carriage return as part of the
' - Signifies a comment.
BackSpace Delete character to the left of the cursor.
Del Delete character under the cursor.
End Move the cursor to the end of the field.
Ctrl-End Erase from the current cursor position to
the end of the field.
Home Move the cursor to the start of the field.
Ins Toggle between insert and overwrite mode.
Cursor becomes fat when in insert mode.
Left Arrow Move the cursor to the left one position.
Right Arrow Move the cursor to the right one position.
Return Finished with the current definition.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 36
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Miscellaneous Features and Commands ===
Jump To DOS: Alt-J
This command will allow you to temporarily drop into DOS without
leaving D-Cube. You must have a minimum of 320k in order to be
able to get into DOS. You may then run any program that will
run in the amount of memory that you have available to run one
in. You exit out of DOS and back into D-Cube by typing in
"EXIT" from the DOS prompt.
Elapsed Time: Alt-Z
At any time during program operation, you can display the
elapsed time for the current call by typing Alt-Z. For updated
time, hit Alt-Z again. (The elapsed time is reset whenever a
new call is made.) D-Cube will display the time you connected
with the Host system, the current time as well as the elapsed
time for this session.
Identification of Program: Alt-B
By pressing Alt-B you will see the same screen that you did
when you originally brought up D-Cube. It has the copyright
notice, the version number as well as my address and phone
number. It will prompt you to press any key to continue.
This notice will come up once a month for a brief time period,
and prompt you to press any key to continue.
Exit: Alt-X
Pressing Alt-X at any time will give you the option of
terminating the program and returning to DOS.
Logging of Calls: Alt-L
This extremely useful feature will allow you to log all of the
calls you make to a disk file. You may turn it on and off
manually using the Alt-L command, or you may have it
automatically Log by specifying so in your dialing directory.
This feature just might save you enough money in income tax
proof of use to justify the cost of a new modem.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 37
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Miscellaneous Features and Commands ===
D-Cube will Log your calls to a disk file with the Name of the
system called, the phone number called, the time that you
connected (as determined by the carrier detect signal from
your modem, or by the Alt-L command if you manually invoke
it), the time that you disconnected (same as connecting,
checking for carrier detect or Alt-L if manually disabled),
the date of the call and will allow you the option of input a
client's name or the name of the project, or you may just use
it for comments. The input of client name or the name of a
project is limited to 255 characters, and does not have to
have anything input. If you press enter at this prompt then
D-Cube will log all of the other pertinent information. If
you have manually dialed a number and have Logging on then
when you terminate the session D-Cube will prompt you for the
name of the system that you called as this will not have been
put in when you made the call.
** Advanced Features and Applications:
The logging mode of D-Cube is one of the most powerful
features of this program due to the fact that you have proof
as to when a call was made (Date, Time) as well as when the
call ended. This can be extremely useful for Business people
in that it will assist them to know who they called and when.
D-Cube does not have to be communicating when using this
feature. You can bring up D-Cube and activate Logging using
the Alt-L command when you dial the phone even and D-Cube will
prompt you for all of the pertinent information. This will
assist consultants and writers as well as sales personnel in
being able to have a permanent record as to when the calls
were made and how much time to charge to a project.
For the person that does not use D-Cube in business or uses D-
Cube for both business and personal use then the Logging
feature is useful for keeping track of how many times you call
a system, the length of time you are usually on the system and
the dates and times you usually call a system. You will be
able to comparisions as to which systems you call the most and
which systems you use the most time on.
In future releases of D-Cube there will be automatic
generation of reports from this Log file that you will be able
to print out according to system called, phone numbers called,
dates and times called.
D-Cube write the logging file out with 30 characters to the
name, 30 characters for the phone number, 9 characters for the
stop time, 9 characters for the stop time, 11 characters for
the date, 7 characters to specify as to whether the call was
made using a modem or was manually invoked. The next line is
the Client's name or the name of the project or just a comment
line as you have entered. It is a normal ASCII file that can
be edited with any word processor that can accept normal ASCII
files for input.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 38
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== Miscellaneous Features and Commands ===
Sending a Break Signal: Ctrl-End
Various remote computer systems use different signals to
effect a break during communications. For example, the break
signal for CompuServe is a Control-C; the Source Break signal
is a Control-P. Any key sequence (including all control key
combinations) may be sent via the keyboard. Some break
sequences may also be programmed via the Function Key Directory.
Some systems require a special "sustained" Break signal. This
signal can be sent by hitting the Ctrl and the End keys
simultaneously. You will have to experiment, or consult your
remote system's documentation to determine the correct Break
signal to use.
Command Summary: Home key
An on-screen summary of all the D-Cube program commands
described above can be displayed at any time by hitting the
Home key.
Toggle Commands:
The following keys toggle on/off their respective functions
and operate at any time while the program is running:
Alt-C Capture Alt-E Echo
Alt-L Logging Mode Alt-S Silent Mode
Alt-V View Ctrl-PtrSc Printout
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 39
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== More Applications and Advanced Features ===
Even though this section is described as "advanced," the
following information should be of interest to all users of
the program.
D-Cube supports the sending of XON/XOFF signals to the remote
computer in the event of a communications buffer overflow (see
below), and will trap for XON/XOFF signals sent by the remote
computer during transmission of files. The default XON signal
is ASCII 17, the default XOFF signal is ASCII 19.
If the remote computer sends an XOFF signal during
transmission of a file, then D-Cube will pause until the
remote computer sends an "XON" signal, at which time
transmission will resume automatically.
Communications Errors: <<>> and <<OVERFLOW>>
D-Cube will indicate certain types of errors if they occur
during communications. If there is an ambient signal on the
line, the program will display the symbol '<<>>' in high
intensity. Communications will not be interrupted in most
cases, but this symbol should put you on notice that you are
sending or receiving corrupted data. On a very noisy line,
you may see the symbol repeatedly. You should disconnect and
try for a better connection.
With some modems, including the Hayes Smartmodems<tm>, you may
see the <<>> symbol when communications are first opened.
This should not be a cause for concern, provided you do not
see the symbol once communications are in progress.
D-Cube opens a communications buffer for receiving data
through the communications port. In most cases, the program
should be able to process data as fast as it is received. If
the communications buffer does fill faster than the program
can handle the incoming data, you will see the symbol
<<OVERFLOW>> on the screen. The program will then try to
recover, by sending an XOFF signal to the remote computer,
processing the contents of the buffer, and then sending an XON
Two situations should be noted which may cause an overflow
condition. If you are making use of the character stripping
option and if the remote computer does not support XON/XOFF.
If you are trying to perform simultaneous printout at 2400
baud, your printer will probably not be able to keep up and
eventually the buffer will overflow.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 40
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
=== D-Cube File Information ===
D-Cube is supplied with the following files:
D-Cube.Com -- The compiled Turbo Pascal version of the
program. It will run under DOS 2.00, 2.10, 3.00, 3.10 on a
system with 128K or more of memory.
D-Cube.DOC -- The text file containing this documentation.
PRINTDOC.BAT -- A batch file with a series of prompts to print
the documentation file from DOS.
COPYCUBE.BAT -- A batch file to aid in making copies of D-Cube
for other users. It will not copy your personal .DIR, .KEY,
.LOG, and .FIG support files.
The first time D-Cube is run, the program looks for three
support files. If it does not find them, these three files
will be created on the program disk:
D-Cube.DIR -- The file that stores Dialing Directory information.
D-Cube.KEY -- The file that stores Function Key information.
D-Cube.FIG -- The file that stores Default Menu information.
D-Cube.Log -- This file not be created untill you start
logging calls.
Copying D-Cube --
You are encouraged to make copies of D-Cube and distribute
them to other users, within the terms of the limited license
set forth below. A special batch file has been provided for
this purpose.
To copy D-Cube, insert the program disk in drive A. From the
DOS A> prompt, type 'COPYCUBE' <Enter> and follow the prompts.
If you do copy D-Cube for other users, please be sure to
provide them with the D-Cube.DOC and PRINTDOC.BAT files.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 41
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
*************************** NOTICE ******************************MFS*
* A limited license is granted to all users of this program, to make *
* copies of this program and distribute them to other users, on the *
* following conditions: *
* *
* No fee is to be charged (or any other consideration received) *
* for copying or distributing the program without a written *
* agreement with *
* *
* Dorn W. Stickle, 909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1985 Dorn W. Stickle *
* *
* You are encouraged to copy and share this program with other users *
* If you are using this program and finding it of value, your *
* contribution ($35 suggested) will be appreciated. *
* *
********************************************************* Version 1.0 *
Have a Good Day!
The user-supported concept:
Anyone may request a copy of a user-supported program by
sending a blank, formatted disk to the author of the program.
An addressed, postage-paid return mailer must accompany the
disk (no exceptions, please).
A copy of the program, with documentation, will be sent by
return mail. The program carries a notice suggesting a
contribution to the program's author. Making a contribution
is completely voluntary on the part of the user.
Regardless of whether a contribution is made, the user is
encouraged to copy and share the program with others. Payment
for use is discretionary on the part of each subsequent user.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 42
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
This is a Direct Excerpt From Andrew Fleugelman's PC-TALK III
Will the user-supported concept really work?
Up to now, distribution of software has relied either on
restricting access (and charging for the cost of doing so), or
anonymously casting programs into the public domain. The user-
supported concept is a way for the computing community to support
and encourage creative work outside the traditional marketplace.
This is an experiment in economics more than altruism. Free
distribution of software and voluntary payment for its use
eliminates the need for money to be spent on marketing,
advertising, and copy protection schemes. Users can obtain
quality software at reduced cost, while still supporting program
authors. And the most useful programs survive, based purely on
their usefulness.
Please join the experiment.
End of Excerpt.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 43
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
Appendix A:
A Brief Explanation of Communications Parameters
The communications "parameters" are simply values that specify
how data is to be sent. The "baud rate" is the speed of
transmission--300 baud means 300 bits per second. Since it
usually takes 10 bits to transmit one character, 300 baud is a
transmission rate of approximately 30 characters per second.
A baud rate of 1200 is four times as fast--about 120
characters per second. (Your modem must be able to support
the baud rate you select.)
As mentioned, it usually takes a stream of 10 bits to transmit
one ASCII character. One of these 10 bits can be designated
as a "parity" bit. The value of this bit can be set so that,
when added to the other data bits (described below), the sum
of the data and parity bits is either even, odd, always one
("mark parity") or always zero ("space parity"). If you have
chosen to communicate with 8 data bits rather than 7 data bits
(see next paragraph), there is no "room" for a parity bit, and
so you must specify "no" parity.
You can choose to communicate with various numbers of data
bits. The most common values are 7 data bits, which allow you
to send any of the 127 standard ASCII characters, or 8 data
bits, which allow you to send an extended ASCII set of 255
For every character transmitted, the communications program
sends 1 "start" bit. You have no option to vary this number.
However, you can specify how many "stop" bits are to be sent.
There must be at least 1 stop bit, and this is the most common
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 44
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
Appendix B
A Brief Description of the XMODEM Protocol
Once the protocol is put into effect ("Holding for Start..."),
the transmitter waits for the receiver to send an NAK
character (ASCII 21). Meanwhile, the receiver sends NAK
signals every ten seconds. Once the transmitter detects an
NAK, it starts to send the file in sections of 128 bytes.
Actually, more than 128 bytes are sent for each block. At the
beginning of the block is an SOH character (ASCII 01),
followed by the ASCII character representing the block number,
followed by the ASCII character of the "one's complement" of
the block number. Then the 128 bytes of the file are sent.
Finally, the block concludes with an ASCII character
representing the sum of the ASCII values of the 128 bytes sent
(the "checksum" character).
Here is how the block would look if you could stretch it out
on a piece of paper:
|01| x | x | 128 bytes of Data | x |
The receiver checks the block to verify that everything is in
order. First it makes sure that the block started with an
SOH. Then it makes sure that the block number is correct.
Then it performs its own calculations on the 128 data bytes
and compares its own checksum with the one received from the
If everything is in order, the receiver sends an ACK character
(ASCII 06) to the transmitter, indicating that the next block
is to be sent. If the receiver can't verify, it sends an NAK,
requesting that the block be sent again. This continues,
block by block, until the entire file has been sent and
At the end of the file, the transmitter sends an EOT character
(ASCII 04). The receiver acknowledges the EOT with an ACK,
and the transfer terminates.
Copyright Dorn W. Stickle
909 Cactus Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78681 512-255-9126 45
*** D-Cube User's Guide ***
Appendix C
Features Written But Not Yet Implemented
Before I tell all the goodies that I left out, let me tell you
why I left them out. I wanted to write a good communications
package that would be a single program without overlay files or
any other supporting files (with the exception of the default,
directory, key, and Logging files). I am limited to 64k (that
figures out to be 65525 bytes) of total program space. My
biggest limitation was in the Code area as Turbo Pascal limits
you to 64K (due to DOS limiting all .COM files to 64k) for
reasons that I will not go into here. I think that if you
look at the size of the file you will see that I had run out
of space. I will be releasing another release of the this
program in the future that will include the goodies that I
already have written and some others that I am working on, but
it will require that D-Cube utilize overlay files which will
make the overall size larger.
Coming Features:
(Sounds like a movie doesn't it?!)
-- Transfer Protocols:
Y-Modem Batch file Uploading/Downloading
Variable Block Size File Transfers
-- Emulations:
IBM 3101 Full Terminal Emulation
-- Miscellaneous:
Split Screen Dumb Terminal
Copying Files
Printing Files
Logging File Report Generations
Full Optional Menu with Detailed Help files
Features that I am working on:
-- Transfer Protocols
-- Miscellaneous
Simultaneous communication sessions for more then
one communications port.
Host System
Assembly Language Sound for Basic like Music Playing
Baud rates up to 19,200
Support for the Tandy 2000
I am open to any and all suggestions and most definitly will
consider anything that anyone has to offer.
Have a good day!